Brașov Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR) and the Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, organized, on March 17, 2022, the Conference U.S. ANTI-CORRUPTION BEST PRACTICES – EDUCATION AND PREVENTION. The central theme of this event was corruption at the level of the business environment and the means to combat non-compliant practices in companies.
Mr. Silviu Costea, President of the Brașov C.C.I., the host of the event, pointed out that, although in continuous decline, the tendency to obtain additional advantages, even illegitimate, non-competitive ones, is present all over the world.
”Corruption often manifests itself between two stakeholders. Unfortunately, one part is in the business environment and we know that a perception of corruption can destroy the credibility of an entire economic sector or region. High-level corruption is treated as a threat to national security and can be detrimental to economic development. The Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Romania build a transparent and legitimate business culture, both in trade relations, in public procurement and in accessing non-reimbursable financing. Brașov is the most developed county in the region, with various economic activities in fields such as: automotive, aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, IT&C, food industry and wood industry. Many multinational companies that have established and invested here have come for our many qualities and skills, a sign of confidence in clean business”, said Mr. Silviu Costea, President of C.C.I. Brasov.
The agenda of the event, which was attended by representatives of public institutions and the business community, focused on the importance of education and prevention, based on successful overseas models provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation – FBI for Romania and Moldova.
Mr. Thomas Hanson, Commercial Attaché of the US Embassy in Bucharest, appreciated the good collaboration with the Brașov Chamber of Commerce and Industry for organizing the first regional conference addressed to the local business environment. Mr. Hanson noted that in order to reduce corruption, we need to join forces to counter global threats to our collective security. This can be achieved by promoting and supporting mutually supportive and non-corrupt systems and institutions. It is important to address the issue of the fight against corruption in the global business environment, because for Romania and the United States, these values are essential for our common membership in NATO.
”For the FBI, fighting corruption remains a priority, because it is a real global threat. In the United States, the phenomenon of corruption generates annual losses of billions of dollars. To combat this phenomenon, it is not only necessary to investigate, but also to provide important information on the dangers and new schemes of circumvention. Only by cooperating with the business environment, through coordination and education, we can build true resilience against this scourge. We aim for good cooperation in order to build strong partnerships between the Romanian business environment and the US business environment”, said the Head of the FBI for Romania and Moldova, the US Department of Justice.